#Print help #Print list of services formatted as table #Print list of services that are in state "Running" and beggin with letter "L" #Print list of services , that short name is equals to long name #Print all commands that works with services #Print all process sorted descending by property cpu and their pid (id) is lower then 1000 #Print content of directory C:\windows #Print only files that from directory c:\windows #Swith to registry key HKCU\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run #Create new registry item that allow start calc.exe #Remove previouslyl created registry item #Add windows feature Windows Powershell Integrated Scripting Environment #Create script that will create temporary folder on drive C: and print into new file obsah.txt content of this directory #Create script that will wait for process calc.exe and then kill them immediatly #Create script that read into variables $a and $b valules from keyboard and if the sum will be bigger then 20 then print it. Otherwise it print their difference; #Change Execution policy to be able run script outside Powershell ISE #Print content of all directories that are in first level of directory c:\windows\boot